
This page is all about me, Megan McCarthy!

I started Speech Bee a few years ago as a private contracting LLC. Since then I've been able to branch out and begin selling products on Teachers Pay Teachers, and I absolutely LOVE it! I love to create products specifically for the needs of my students. I can also make products based on themes and books that I plan to teach, and customize them exactly how I want. More than that, I am able to sell them to help speechies find fun, engaging, useful materials for their own students!

I am also an oil-loving, diy-making, hippy at heart! I make my own cleaning and skincare products. I use my oils for everything from diffusing, cleaning, drinking, making my own capsules...I could go on and on. They have honestly changed how we are living--even my husband with ADHD uses them to focus!

Interested in discovering more about Speech Bee on TpT? Check out my store here!

Interested in discovering more about essential oils? Check out how I use them here!