Having spent the majority of my adult life being lucky enough to have summers off, I'll never forget the first summer I had to work. Being a summer birthday baby, I actually cried like a whiny kid about having to work on my birthday. It was awful. Since that summer I have worked a total of only three others...and it just never felt right!
So this year, I transitioned from a clinic to a school setting, and I have been soaking up every second of my glorious return to summer!!
I've been practicing my cooking and baking skills--gotta do right by Paul and Mary!
I'm continuing the process of clearing chemicals from my house--making my own cleaners, my own capsules, my own skin care products! I love the freedom it gives me to make products that suit my needs, work best for my skin type, won't give me migraines from the scent, etc. Tell me I'm not the only one?!

Most importantly, I've been having beautiful moments with beautiful people. I have some amazing friends. Spending time with them cultivates my soul, they draw me out and into deeper thoughts and conversations. They ask the hard questions and listen through disjointed thoughts. They are wonderful, and I am blessed.
How have YOU been soaking up your summer?? Let me know in the comments below!
Currently obsessed with:
Purification! I mean, OBSESSED. I'm been spraying it all over the house, diffusing it with lemon, leaving in on cotton balls in habitually smelly places. It's like spring cleaning in a bottle!